Working mama

A question I'm often asked is how the transition has been from being a full-time working mom to being an at-home parent. As I started to write this post I realized I have a lot to say. I thought about breaking this up into a few posts but instead I'm going to leave it as one giant post so all my thoughts are in one spot. I'll touch on why I quit my full-time job as a science writer three years ago, how my days go now, my thoughts on finding my value and identity after being a full-time working... Read more →

When Cedric was tiny and new and up all night I would get up in the morning and be far from ready to be awake. But Chris would hand me hot coffee and I would remember that I had a stash of freezer breakfast burritos and I would feel like I could make it. Recently I remembered the glory of freezer breakfast burritos when Chris was preparing to go out of town and Sarah gave me some sage advice to "be sure you eat!" And so I assembled the ingredients and spent a surprisingly short amount of time in the... Read more →

I work full time as a science writer and at any one time I have several projects or tasks on my plate with varying levels of priority. Some, like writing a new article from scratch, take hours and I need to be fully immersed in the task to do my best work. Some tasks come in suddenly and must be done right away, putting everything else on hold. Some tasks aren't difficult but they require coordinating between several people - writing emails, waiting for a response, figuring out a time everyone can meet and then finding an available conference room.... Read more →

Our two-week Christmas vacation was fun and full but the final three days included flying back from Austin with two restless boys and then settling the boys back at home and adjusting to the time change (helllo 4:15 am!). It was draining. On Monday my desk, tidy to-do list and business casual clothes were a serene change of scenery. I was just getting myself organized and ready to make headway on my projects when Chris texted, "Call ASAP." Cedric was running a temperature at daycare and needed to be home and in our arms. Chris was at an overnight work... Read more →

I don't remember how I heard of I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam but as soon as I started reading it I loved it. A few chapters in and I started texting my working mom friends telling them they should read it. This book has a message that resonates with my own experience of being a working mom and being able to spend significant time with my kids and family, finding time for myself and finding success in my career. It takes a lot of planning with a healthy dose of flexibility but doesn't all parenting? Doesn't... Read more →

I've had an office job for seven years (!!! I keep thinking it's about three) and I've learned that it's key to keep a few essential items stashed at the office. I have a real anxiety of being somewhere without a snack (is there a clinical term for this? the fear is real!) so of course my stash includes snacks but there are also items lend some coziness or serve to perk me up on a stressful day. Here's what I keep at the office as part of my work survival kit: + Huge water glass. The dry heat is... Read more →

I'm trying to get into the habit of telling Dashiell about my day when I ask about his. I keep things pretty simple and might explain that I was working on writing many words for an article or that I helped someone figure something out or that I talked with a friend and we decided to work on something together. Or that I was frustrated and had to solve a problem. I've found that I really like telling Dashiell about my day; with young children you spend so much time talking about what they want and what they will do... Read more →

Pumping at work is a special experience. When else will you sit shirtless in your workplace while attached to a machine? Or hold a bottle of liquid that was just expressed from your boobs in the company of male colleagues. Cherish this special time, friends. Now in my second round of pumping at work, I thought I'd share my routine and what I keep in my pump bag. At first, pumping at work seems strange and horrible. But with time and practice it will become something you look forward to each day. Nope. That's a lie. But in my experience... Read more →

Team Wharton has survived the first couple of weeks with two full time working parents and two little boys. Whew! Life feels full to the brim and sometimes chaotic. Even though it doesn't feel like I have time to blog I'm glad I captured my first transition back to work as it happened and I want to do the same this go around so I'm dashing this off during pumping breaks at work. (See all posts tagged Working Mama here.) So, how it's going. The first time we left Cedric at daycare I cried. But I haven't since then (hooray!).... Read more →

Return to work after maternity leave, take two. Today is the first day of my first full week back at work. The emotion and difficulty of returning to work caught me off guard the first time around with Dashiell. It wasn't terrible but it was harder than I expected. For several months I questioned whether I wanted to be working full time and what was best for Dashiell. I hated feeling uncertain and it was hard to focus at work. Plus I was waking up so many times (so! many! times!) on most nights. Big transitions do not pair well... Read more →