things that are awesome

An occasional series of small things that bring some awesome to my life. My nectar bottle for making and storing hummingbird food. Keeping a hummingbird feeder full of fresh sugar-water and watching all the hummingbirds that come to my yard brings me so much happiness. And I find refilling and maintaining the feeder so satisfying. Before finding this nectar bottle I was making a new batch of sugar-water (the ratio for hummingbirds is 1 part sugar to 4 parts water, no red food dye needed!) each time the feeder was low. It's not a huge task but involves boiling or... Read more →

Trader Joe's. Had to do it, guys. This little grocery store brings me so much happiness and shopping there is something I look forward to every week. I didn't grow up with a Trader Joe's and only really discovered it about four years ago when I became friends with someone who does her weekly shopping there. Thank goodness TJ's is in my life now! I could go on and on (and on) about my love for Trader Joe's but here's the highlight reel: there's a steady stream of new and seasonal items, a free coffee and sample station where a... Read more →

An occasional series of small things that bring some awesome to my life. Drinking hot coffee in the shower. If you are laughing at me, that's fine. I'm warm outside and inside in my hot shower with my hot coffee (hydroflask!) Or, if this is already a habit of yours you know exactly how genius this is. On a chilly morning, or especially after a winter morning workout, there is nothing so wonderful as hot coffee on the inside and hot water on the outside. Sipping hot coffee while in a hot shower is an indulgent ritual of mine every... Read more →

An occasional series of small things that bring some awesome to my life. Our dark grey front door. I can't believe it used to be white, which seems so plain now. All credit is due to Erica who painted the inside of her front door dark grey at least a year earlier. When I saw the impact it made in her house I was eager to try it next door at our house. Erica used Peppercorn and ours is Kendall Charcoal. I loved the way our door looked with a Christmas wreath and so we left the Command hook and... Read more →

An occasional series of small things that bring some awesome to my life. My newish besu wallet. Since becoming a mom I need to travel light and have two free hands; I can't keep up with a toddler and carry a purse. To run errands I was always taking my driver's license and credit card out of my wallet and putting them in a pocket. But I'd forget where I left them, or they'd fall out on the closet floor. Plus I was using a wallet that was years old and much too big. Enter my cute besu wallet. It's... Read more →