
Friends, I'm so excited to share some big news: we're expecting Baby Wharton #3!!! And we're having a baby girl! We are over the moon to being having another baby. It was something we thought about a lot over the past couple of years (and honestly ever since we had Cedric it's been in the back of my mind) but we just couldn't make a decision. I had a chart of pros and cons taped to our bathroom mirror for a long time. I hate being in limbo over big life decisions and really didn't like the feeling of not... Read more →

photos by Darby Simon Although my labor and delivery with Cedric was only four hours there's so much to say. I thought about breaking this into a few posts but I'm keeping it all together as I did with Dashiell's birth story, which I'm so happy to have written down. + + + Looking back, my pregnancy with Cedric felt really long. I knew that at the end of December-ish I would be giving birth but life was already so full that the event didn't seem quite real. As the heat of the summer and fall stretched on (and on... Read more →

I'm thrilled to introduce our baby BOY: Cedric Mack Cedric was born in the wee hours Sunday, December 28 at 3:45 am. He was the exact weight and nearly the same length as Dashiell at 9.5 lbs and 21.25 inches, another big healthy boy. Apparently I only make babies in size large. My labor was fast and intense, just four hours. Whoa. I hope to write up and share my birth story soon. Everything went great, just very fast. Having a newborn again has been familiar and surreal all at the same time. Everything is going well. Really well. Cedric... Read more →

Baby bump status: Making itself known! I told my co-workers about my pregnancy around 12 weeks but since I work in a big office there are plenty of people I didn't tell directly. In the past couple of weeks, when I see those people in the kitchen or during random fire alarms, they give me a double take and say, "Oh! I didn't want to say anything before but now I'm sure; you're pregnant aren't you?!" It's fun to have it be public knowledge. I'm wearing maternity clothes including these amazing work pants from Gap. If you are in need... Read more →

!!! Are you surprised?! It's OK. We were a tiny bit surprised too. :) Chris and I were ready to have a second baby whenever it happened but it surprised us that getting pregnant again happened so quickly. We were really in disbelief at first and I had some fleeting thoughts of, "But we get to sleep through the night every night now! I'm just getting the hang of having one kid! I'm finally getting some me time! I've lost all my pregnancy weight!" But those were very quickly eclipsed with all the excitement that is having a baby! It... Read more →

The morning of April 9th was crisp and grey and the air felt fresh; a perfect spring morning. When Chris and I took a walk that morning with Drew I said, “This would be a great day to have a baby” although I knew that it wouldn’t be that day. Who gives birth on their due date?! I felt so big and uncomfortable that day I decided to treat myself to homemade chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Delicious. That ended up being the only real meal I ate that day! Throughout the morning and early afternoon I received “happy due... Read more →

Our son is here!! Dashiell Mack Wharton Born on his due date (of course!), April 9, at 11 PM and was a hefty fellow at 9 lbs 8 oz and 22 inches of perfection. Words cannot describe the euphoria I felt at seeing Dashiell and holding him for the first time. Chris and I are so completely in love with him. Obviously we think he is the most beautiful, perfect baby ever to be born. Labor and birth was intense and hardest thing I've ever done. But I was able to have the natural birth Chris and I had planned... Read more →

April! The month Chris and I have been waiting for since finding out we were expecting in August. The month our baby boy will be born. It's spring! It's sunny and everything is blooming and new. What a perfect time for a baby. The year has been pretty packed so far but the pace of life slowed significantly starting last weekend with the end of our weekend commitments. So I'm taking a deep breath and savoring this time, however brief, before a whole new kind of exciting busyness fills our lives. As much as we can be, I think we're... Read more →

(I'm a week behind again and am actually 39 weeks this week!) 38 weeks this week (well, last week) and we are getting so so close! Thinking back to finding out I was pregnant in August feels so long ago; so much has happened since then and my body has changed so much. I'm so excited to be so close to meeting our baby boy and to have had such a healthy pregnancy. I'm still feeling good overall and I'm even still going to spin class twice a week. I feel proud of myself for staying active throughout my pregnancy... Read more →

I'm so excited to finally let you peek inside our baby's nursery! We chose the bedroom that was my office because it's the largest of our three extra bedrooms and it gets great natural light. We never had a theme in mind but we really liked the Montessori approach of having the room be very child-centered and uncluttered. Other than that we wanted it to be beautiful and bright. Our inspiration is from Henry, Finn, and Otis's rooms. We are so so please with how it turned out! The room feels like "us" and we love just hanging out there... Read more →