
For three weeks now we've had a bag packed and ready to take the birth center at a moment's notice. I get a little thrill seeing the bag waiting in the corner of our room, especially when I think about the tiny baby clothes that are tucked inside for our daughter. As we've waited (and waited) it also helps remind me that our baby IS coming. I loved thinking about what to pack in our bag so let me show you what we've included: Clothing for me One of my late pregnancy obsessions has been researching and deciding on the... Read more →

Well, I'm still pregnant at 40 weeks and 6 days so I guess I'll just keep writing pregnancy updates! Chris joked this week, "Well, we thought you were having a baby but it turns out you're just pregnant." It kind of feels that way! Even though on some days it feels like this pregnancy will never end I know I'm in the final stretch. While I'm a bit impatient to hold this baby I'm also thinking of how I am lucky to get extra time to savor being pregnant. We don't have plans to grow our family beyond three kids,... Read more →

My pregnancy is drawing to a close and I'm reflecting on the things I've loved these last 40 weeks. From maternity clothes to foods to books there have been some stand-out favorites that I'd love to share with you... My maternity wardrobe is bigger than these eight items (one not pictured) but these are the things I'm reaching for on a near daily basis. Honestly it's kind of been the capsule wardrobe of my dreams. I love not putting much thought into what I'm wearing for the day but still feeling pulled together and comfortable. As evidenced by bathroom mirror... Read more →

My due date is THURSDAY. At this point I'm more pregnant than I was with Cedric (he was born three days early) and we'll see if this pregnancy goes longer than Dashiell's (born on his due date). With one early and one on time I'm wondering if I'm due for a "late" baby? I hope not because we are ready to meet this lady. Since she could arrive on the scene any day I wanted to get one more pregnancy post written to capture what the end of this pregnancy looks like. Baby bump status: I'm three days away from... Read more →

Baby bump status: With about a month to go I'm really popping out! I can see a big difference between 36 weeks and my last post at 32 weeks. Lately I've unintentionally run into things with my belly, whoops!, so I think its size is catching me off guard. The baby should be around 6 pounds now! Her movements aren't quite as big as she runs out of room, mostly some rolling as limbs move or a knee/foot pressing out, but she remains active. She still gets the hiccups fairly regularly. At my last midwife appointment my midwife didn't think... Read more →

32 weeks! Less than eight weeks to go, eeep! I was so happy to find that this shirt still fits; I thought I had gotten too big for it. I'll always remember this shirt as being the one I was wearing when we found out we were having a girl. I wore it out on a date with Chris this past weekend when we ventured to downtown Gilbert and found this great background for a bump photo. And if you'd like to see: 32 weeks pregnant with Dashiell. Baby bump status: I'm finding it very enjoyable to have a baby... Read more →

We have a baby to get ready for! We're excited to set up a room and make a space for our baby girl I loved the nursery we set up for the boys. It was genuinely a space where I loved to be and we spent a lot of time in there. That's what I want to create in this nursery too: an inviting and functional space where we enjoy being. I'm finding myself drawn to decor that is clean, bright, and colorful. I want the feeling to be cheerful. I'd love to share the ideas and inspiration that I've... Read more →

Hello third trimester! Just about 12 weeks to go which feels like a short amount of time when I think of all we need to do to get ready or when I look at the calendar. But 12 weeks also feels like a long time when I consider I have 12 more weeks of gaining weight and getting progressively less comfortable. But either way I'm happy to be in the final stretch and getting closer to meeting our girl. I love going back to read past pregnancy posts and am so glad I wrote several during my first pregnancy. When... Read more →

Baby bump status: This past week my belly seemed to pop out even more (it seemed to happen at the same time with Cedric!). I definitely feel like I have a baby bump but when I look in the mirror I often look smaller than I feel. There's plenty of time to feel and look big so I'm not worried. :) I got the "Oh my gosh you're pregnant!" from two people at the boys' school this week who hadn't known previously that I'm pregnant. I think it's fun to be noticeably pregnant so I'm enjoying it. No unsolicited belly... Read more →

I have loved looking back my the posts I wrote during my pregnancies with Dashiell and Cedric. In fact, I think I'm wearing the same dress at 22 weeks with Dashiell and 24 weeks with Cedric! I had given this dress to a friend and she returned it to me at the beginning of this pregnancy – love it. As I'm sure is typical, I wrote several pregnancy posts during my first pregnancy and just a couple during my second but I'm so grateful for what I did record. Especially since it's been a few years since my last pregnancy,... Read more →