The boys say that they want to open a restaurant called Breakfast Bros which I think sounds fantastic. Stay tuned for the opening date... It's June and there are summer vibes in the form of cold brew in the fridge, tan boys with swim-wet hair, and weekly cold treats. Last weekend I took the boys camping with three other moms and their kids for an adventurous summer kick-off weekend. It was so fun! We wore long sleeves one last time before we pack them away until November, spent three days outside, and ate our fill of s'mores. On the drive... Read more →
monthly goals
Happy new year! We enjoyed a gray and all-day rainy day on the first day of the year which was cozy and wonderful for these sun-drenched desert dwellers. We've put all of the Christmas decor away except for the tree which I wanted to let linger with just its lit branches. I'm really leaning into having a fake tree and how long we can have it up. Yesterday, on January 2, was when I felt new year energy bubbling up. I woke up extra early at 4:30 am for my Monday morning ritual of coffee, catching up in my line-a-day... Read more →
I started this while sipping a not-too-sweet nog latte and finishing blackberry jam toast at Mythical Coffee where they were playing just right jazzy Christmas music. I spent time updating my Christmas spreadsheet and my Christmas notes for next year (what worked well, what not to forget, what we enjoyed, etc.), very enjoyable admin tasks. Reflecting on A Calm Christmas Recently, I finished re-listening to the audiobook A Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year by Beth Kempton which I first read last year. I love the gentle guidance in this book for connecting to what matters to you during... Read more →
We really love the green-pink combo. It's September, we're settling into routine, and I have one foot into fall while also feeling grumpy about the persistent heat. Sounds about right! In August we saw the completion of all the big house updates we've been doing, whew! Having the entire interior of the house painted took about two weeks and was unfun to live through (but not as bad as getting new flooring!). I love the way our paint colors look with our new flooring and the overall fresh, calm look. When the noise and energy of the house feel chaotic... Read more →
This year February 1st is my January 1st. I was just easing into 2022 and feeling energized when COVID hit our household. That pulled the rug right out from all the routine we were just settling into. Whew! But even COVID aside, I think collectively we could all use some rest, recharge, and reflection after the holidays. Especially so considering what we've experienced in 2020 and 2021. I'm here to gently remind you that a fresh start is a mindset and it can happen on January 1st or February 1st or July 23rd. This month I'm celebrating the routine and... Read more →
The stockings are hung on their Command hooks with care and, because of our curious toddler, our Christmas tree is decorated with all the ornaments hanging in the top half of the tree. This year Maeve is fully participating in the wonder of Christmas and it's bringing us all joy. She shrieks in excitement when we tell her we're going to look at lights. She points at Christmas books to show us "Pata!" (Santa) and "teee!" and "mights!" At every opportunity she wants to see decorations in our neighborhood over which she oooos and ahhhhs. I'm savoring that we still... Read more →
On October 1st I biked the boys to school and felt a definitive coolness to the morning air. Right on time and oh so welcome. Let me be clear that it's usually still warming up enough to wear shorts. But stepping out of our door no longer feels like entering an oven. I am thankful. Erica and I recently recorded and released our annual Fall Extravaganza episode. It was so fun, as it always is, and not only gave me a chance to reflect on the new season and also to be silly with a good friend. That felt really... Read more →
This post is also available as a podcast in which I read the post. Search for "rising shining" on most podcast platforms to listen. As the year rounds August and heads into September the pace of life starts speeding up. As evidenced by my September goals post mid-month! There's weekly homework, sports get underway (soccer and basketball this fall), and we're starting to talk about Halloween. On the one hand I love getting into our school year routines. The boys seem to thrive with the structure, socializing, and challenge of school. And I'm so thankful it's in-person this year. Maeve... Read more →
I'm heading into June feeling summery which is to say light in spirit and ready for fun. A world away from last June. I re-read my June 2020 goals post and sat for a moment thinking about one year ago. We were facing a summer at home, Arizona was making national news as a COVID hot spot, Chris was about to be back at work (from his home office) after parental leave, and I spent my days holding and nursing Maeve. And yet I was publishing blog posts?? I honestly don't remember where I found the time and I'm laughing... Read more →
accidentally twinning with my girl / perfect spring evening in our backyard / spontaneous afternoon ice creams and the giant "singles" from Handel's Ice Cream Hello May! Our front and back yards are full of spring and it's bringing me joy. Our palo verde trees are bursting with yellow blooms and have blanketed our front yard in yellow. I spend time every day just watching our trees and the gently falling blossoms. I hung a new bird feeder in one of the trees and am hoping to attract goldfinches. Over the past two weekends we've brought home new plants to... Read more →