Hello, August!
August coffee date

2024 midyear goals update


We sailed past the year's half-way point in early July. At the time, I was too immersed in summer and preparing for my new workshop to reflect on my 2024 goals. But I don't want to miss the chance to check in.

At the year's halfway point (or thereabouts) I can see where I'm making progress, and where I'm not. For goals I'm not making progress on I can decide if I'll commit to making them happen, perhaps with a different approach than I've tried before, or if it's time to let something go.

So, let's check in!

Here's an update on my 2024 intention and goals:

My word for 2024 is SHINE. In January, I said, "This year I want to pay attention to what and who makes me shine. I want to make more time for those people and those things. As a parent this year (and always) I want to help my kids to shine, each in their own way, and for them to know that I'm always there to help them shine. I want to help other people shine, especially Chris, family, and close friends, and be a source of light in my community, while also preserving enough of myself to be my best, shining self."

Update: I feel good about bringing SHINE into my  life, and I have thought of the word from time to time. Although sometimes I have also thought, "What was my word again?" The word shine makes me really happy and I love the perspective of thinking about what makes me shine, and how to help others shine.


Personal care & growth

+ Always be reading. Yes! So far this year I've read 48 books (although a handful have been did-not-finishes but I count them if I read at least 25%). Currently I'm not in the best reading groove in that my TBR doesn't feel especially curated and I'm reading at the whim of whatever comes available from the library. I've also noticed that through the summer and still as school year starts that my audiobook listening time feels very limited and I'd like to change that (but not sure how). (P.S. Keep up with what I'm reading on Goodreads.)

+ Establish healthy news consumption habits. Overall I feel good about this! Generally I do not scroll any news headlines, although have been lately because I've been so excited about Kamala. I regularly listen to Pantsuit Politics, as well as their premium content, and The Ezra Klein Show. I have not found a regular habit with a daily news podcast like I envisioned. I think this has more to do with my limited listening time (see audiobooks above) and just making time for my favorite listens. 

+ Take at least three days completely off. I planned to take off February 29, a day in June around my half birthday (June 22), and then my birthday. I did great taking off February 29th, but then Maeve was sick on my summer day off. I just couldn't find a make up day for that this summer. Perhaps I'll reschedule that day off for after my fall workshop wraps! And I will definitely plan to take off my birthday, as is my tradition.


240807_exercisepink stickers = 2 workouts in one day


+ 230 workouts. As of today I have exercised 132 times which is 57% of my goal, and we are 59% through the year. So I am just about on track! My exercise consistency went down a bit in the summer (from 4-5 times/week to 3 times/week) so I think I'll regain some ground now that we're back in the school year routine. This goal is just fun and interesting for me to track. I'm really happy with my progress!

+ One "push" week once a month. The idea behind this goal was, "On the last week of every month I want to add at least one extra workout to my week and track what I eat in terms of protein, fat, carbs, and added sugars." And I think I've done this exactly zero times. I still like the idea. But the reality is that it's tough to add an extra workout to my week on a specific week each month. Sometimes always seems to be going on with our schedule to make it tricky. I still like the idea of an occasional "push" but this isn't working for me this year. So I'm going to abandon it for now. Maybe the idea will come back in a different form at some point.

+ Maintain an average of 7 hours of sleep per night. Ehhhh not doing great here! According to my Apple Watch and Health app, my average sleep for the year is 6 hours and 40 minutes. But also I feel fine during the day so I don't feel chronically sleep deprived. The challenge here is that the kids bedtime has been pushed back to 8. I always read for a while before bed so I go to bed around 9 and my alarm goes off around 4 a.m. most mornings to make time for things I love (exercise or quiet time before the kids are awake). We still have nights where Maeve or another kiddo calls to us so that disrupts sleep as well.

A few habits around sleep that are going well include getting myself ready for bed while the kids are getting ready for bed. That way I can get straight into bed and read once they are all settled. I've also been rocking not going to sleep with an audiobook which is a habit I had for a long time and wanted to change. Can I also once again sing the praises of wearing a sleep mask? I tried one on a whim when I traveled about a year ago and it honestly has changed my sleep. It helps me fall asleep and helps me stay asleep longer in the morning when I get a chance.




+ Monthly one-on-one time with each of my kids. Overall I'm doing well on this one, and want to recommit. Although I am going to abandon trying to track when I spend one-on-one time with my kids. What I like about this goal is that it's made me see what kind of individual time I get with each kid. With Maeve I naturally get tons of time (no surprise since she's just four) and time with Cedric seems to happen somewhat regularly too. With Dash, who is very much a tween, it's more rare to find that time. And that is so good to notice and see where I need to make an effort. 

I've had some really special one-on-one time with each of my kids this year and want to keep finding more of it. I've discovered that Cedric likes a library date, especially if we get a vanilla steamer first. And the way to Dash's heart is with a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich from Sonic. With three kids, and all the energy and sibling dynamics that go along with that, spending time with my kids individually feels so different than when they are together. I really love being able to give them my full attention, and to see their personalities shine through when they are on their own.  

+ Establish family meetings. We had a few family meetings earlier in the year but none through the summer. This is worth trying again this semester, or perhaps a variation of family meetings (although I'm not sure what that looks like). I think the reality is that it's very hard to find a time to talk to the boys when Maeve is not included, and if Maeve is included it's hard to have a full conversation required for a family meeting. I do love the idea of a forum for discussing upcoming family plans as well as family policies (which comes up more and more with tweens) but including a four year old is hard.



Creativity & fun

+ Find the fun and shine as a fun vacation mom on our family trips. So far this year we've gone to Joshua Tree National Park, San Juan Capistrano, Austin for the eclipse and to see family, and to San Diego. I think I've done great leaning into family time, going with the flow, and finding bits of time for myself as well. We have one more family trip planned (Karchner Caverns this month) where I can practice this as well.

+ Watch lots of summer Olympics! Yes! I am really enjoying having a television for watching Olympics coverage. We've watched a lot of gymnastics, swimming, soccer, and basketball. I also tuned in for some rowing races and track. And there's still more to go!




+ Run the Your Year to Shine goals workshop again. This is in the works. Plus I plan to expand the content a little bit and change the format to podcast episodes with online meetings, instead of one online workshop session.

+ Explore: writing another workshop on a new topic and an overhaul of my blog website. Yes and yes! I'm really proud of myself for writing a new workshop that I will offer this fall, Everyday Habits, Routines, and Rituals. And I'll be getting a blog overhaul underway which I've been wanting to do for years.

+ Produce more content for The Girl Next Door Podcast. Yes! We are producing more GND content than ever before and our Patreon membership is strong. Plus our beautiful new website debuted this year.



Home & finances

+ Move to a new budgeting software. Yes! We are completely set up and comfortable on Monarch, and really like it.

+ Complete two gallery walls: in the front room and in the hallway. I have some frames that I want to use for the front room and a few pieces of art...but that's my only progress. I'm still committed to both of these so I think they will be fall projects. The biggest challenge for me here is spending the money on frames. I should talk to Chris about a budget for the project and then move forward.

+ Collaborate with Chris on at least one creative home project. Not yet! We should revisit this and decide on something. The fall and winter is Chris's woodworking season (when the weather is nice enough to work in the garage) so we should make a plan.


I'll check in again at the end of the year. How are your goals going this year? I'm cheering you on!


P.S. 2023 midyear goals update plus all my other annual goals posts over the year.

