Hello, June!
The boys say that they want to open a restaurant called Breakfast Bros which I think sounds fantastic. Stay tuned for the opening date...
It's June and there are summer vibes in the form of cold brew in the fridge, tan boys with swim-wet hair, and weekly cold treats.
Last weekend I took the boys camping with three other moms and their kids for an adventurous summer kick-off weekend. It was so fun! We wore long sleeves one last time before we pack them away until November, spent three days outside, and ate our fill of s'mores. On the drive up and back the boys and I listened to The Castle in the Attic which I have fond memories of reading and re-reading as a kid. It was really special to share the book with them and think of my own childhood at the same time. After our first camping trip I made a personal goal of one day feeling confident enough to take my kids camping on my own. I'm so proud of myself for doing it!
Now we're settling into our summer rhythm and I'm enjoying it. I love not having evening sports or school forms to keep track of and return. The weather has been mild for June so I don't feel isolated inside yet. I especially love watering my front yard plants in the morning shade and taking the boys to the pool. Next week will kick off two weeks of planned activity for the boys, but also some summer camp days for Chris and me. I'm excited for those!
+ Take the boys on a mom + kids camping trip. We loved the Rim Campground on the Mogollon Rim outside of Payson. I hope this might become an annual tradition!
+ The boys fly by themselves to visit my parents in Austin! I can't believe we have kids who are big enough to do this but I'm excited for them to have this independent experience.
+ The boys have a week of all-day sports camp.
+ Chris and I get to enjoy several "summer camp days" while Maeve is at daycare and the boys are out of town or at camp.
+ Dash goes to a week of sleep away camp! I hope he has a great time! He is so confident and social I think he'll love it.
June goals:
+ Establish a grocery + food prep routine on Fridays. With Maeve at daycare on Fridays now I'd like to bring back grocery shopping on Friday when the stores aren't as busy and we can stock up before the weekend. I'd also love to bring more food prep back into my life even if it's just one thing a week. This could include prepping salad ingredients, making a batch of muffins, or roasting sweet potatoes. To do this, Chris and I need to make a grocery list on Thursdays or Friday morning before taking Maeve to daycare.
+ Complete our 2022 photo book! Ah, the goal that keeps resurfacing and lingering. This is a project that I can work on enjoyably in chunks so I need to keep picking it up consistently until it's done. Stay tuned...
+ Catch up on documenting all of the kids' art and school work from the spring semester. As a reminder, I collect all artwork and school work I want to remember, then take photos of it on a white poster board and then recycle/throw out everything. (Here's my post all about my process and how I turn the photos into a photo book.) I do sometimes keep a piece or two, and would like to start keeping a couple of notable assignments from each of the boys' school years so I need to get something to keep those things in.
I hope you find good things in June, friends!
June 2022 | June 2021 | June 2020 | June 2019 | June 2018 | June 2017 | June 2016 | June 2015 | June 2014 | June 2013 (the month I went back to work after having Dash!)| June 2012 | June 2011