Goals - June 2021
A new season

Goals - July 2021


I'm popping in for a quick summer hello. Hello! And this post is just in written form but I do plan to return to audioblogs on the next post. I've had this post in draft and need to get it out before July is over. I'm sitting with my hot coffee on a balcony with a tree-ful view across hills and fields in Bastrop, Texas. I'm here with six other women for a two-night "Light at the End of the Tunnel" retreat organized by Sara. The company, conversations, and food have been a gift. I've been looking forward to being truly "off duty" since we planned this retreat and it has been just what I needed. I'm so thankful that Sara made this happen!

Although I don't feel as light in spirit as I wrote in my June goals post I do think I'm making the best of this season with its loose schedules, super hot days, and not a lot of time alone. I remind myself that I'm so thankful to be living this summer and not the summer of 2020 when we were home home every day. I also remind myself that the summers only get easier from here, even as I savor the sweetness of Maeve at 15 months.

I'm so happy to share that Maeve is walking! She took two and three steps between the couch and ottoman for weeks without any care to explore further. Slowly, slowly, with our encouragement, she ventured to take a few more steps and then a few more until one day she bypassed Chris's outstretched arms and took a tour around the island instead! I have always found the crawling to walking transition a welcome one that brings some ease. Life does feel a little bit easier with a Maeve walking instead of crawling. Also, my back no longer hurts every day! I'm thankful for that.


June goals update:

+ Daily read aloud with the boys. Doing okay at this and right now in general I'm okay with "just okay"!

+ Get additional kitchen quotes. Yes! We did get the additional quotes we need for countertops and pantry re-construction. Like many things this project feels really hard without any childcare for Maeve because it requires phone calls, meeting with people, and having time to think/research – all of which are in short supply!

+ Finish a photo book of Maeve's first year. I'm 75% of the way there which feels great. When I have time, I open up the project and work on it but I haven't had much extra time lately. That's okay! It'll get done eventually.

+ Weekly budget meetings with Chris. Yes! I love these touch-base meetings. Even a quick 15 minute conversation about where we are with money, what our spending looks like, and what expenses are coming up make a big difference in how I feel about our finances. Two weekends ago we had a more in-depth conversation about long-term financial and lifestyle goals which I loved. Those conversations give purpose to our everyday spending and saving which feels empowering.


Big things happening in July:

+ Fourth of July. Chris and I enjoyed a breakfast date with Maeve while the boys were at my in-laws. Then we hosted a family dinner during which the boys had so-so behavior. And so it goes! But on the Monday holiday we had a really fun family pool date and picnic dinner.

+ Austin trip. We're here! And will be for over a week. Our trip includes my retreat and later in the week spending a night at Hyatt Lost Pines which has an amazing water park. Also, together with my cousin and her family, we are planning a Ted Lasso premier party complete with shortbread. It's going to be a full, fun trip.


July goals:

+ Be intentionally "off" while I'm in Austin. I'm planning to be on email and social media very little if at all. This will probably be the only blog writing I do. I want to be present with my children, with Chris, and with the family and friends we will be visiting.

+ Send August birthday gifts. Three people who are important to me have early August birthdays which can sneak up on me! One gift is already shipped. One is ready to ship when I get back to Gilbert. For the last gift I'll plan to get it in Austin.

+ Buy clothes for the boys as needed. They've outgrown and worn out a lot of their clothes! I bought them some before we came to Austin. I'll assess their full wardrobes when we get home before school starts.

+ Go on lunch dates with the boys and buy school supplies. Chris could take one boy and then I could take the other on different days.

+ Gather materials for Maeve to start part-time daycare. I'm excited and a bit nervous for Maeve to start part-time daycare (two days/week) in late July. I feel completely confident in the care she will get but am nervous about how long it will take her to settle into the new routine. I anticipate it could take a few weeks for her to be completely comfortable but I am ready to be pleasantly surprised!

+ Weekly budget meetings with Chris. These have been great and we want to keep them going.


Hope you are having a good July, friends!


July 2020 | July 2019 | July 2018 | July 2017 | July 2016 | July 2015 | July 2014 | July 2013 | July 2012 | July 2011
