I've long admired activity-based advent calendars seen at friend's houses or online. This is the first year we've had one for our family and I'm smitten with it! I had been eying reusable fabric advent calendars on Etsy but hadn’t found one that I absolutely loved. I wanted something easy to store and in a simple, modern-ish style. Then, I came across the perfect one when I wasn't even thinking of them while browsing the beautiful Food52 shop (so sorry, they seem to be out of stock - check back next season!). I often second guess myself and hesitate before... Read more →
December 2020
We've arrived at the last month of what has felt like the longest year. I feel...wrung out. I had to go back and read blog posts from January and February to remind myself what the beginning of the year felt like before we were staying home. So full of hope and excitement for the auspicious-sounding year of 2020. And then...plot twist! Although the year brought a lot of hard it also brought me and our family a lot of joy. Primarily in the form of our happy, sweet, chunky Maeve. What a bright spot in this crazy year. Taking care... Read more →