April Wrap Up
Kid Activity: No Recipe Baking

Goals - May 2020

Goals - May 2020 | RISING*SHINING

I have a little pocket of time to write this while Chris is wearing Maeve as she takes a nap so time is of the essence! I'm excited that little windows of time are opening up like this. I talked to Chris about feeling restless and eager to create some time for myself to write and exercise. So he's been trying to take Maeve for a nap or two during the day. We're also trying to lay her down in her crib for at least one nap each day. It's been helping me feel more balanced. (Update: this ended up take three naps to write. But it got written and that's the important thing.)

I love that Maeve is still so new but that we're also getting a bit more predictability. Also, she's working on smiling!! It's THE BEST. I'm realizing that one reason having a baby right now is so wonderful is that babies are changing all the time. So even though our surroundings are the same and our days are pretty much the same we can look forward to all the changes Maeve will go through.

What else will May bring? More staying at home for one. Arizona has an extended the stay at home order through May 15. I'm so glad it was extended and not lifted like other states are beginning to do. Still, we'll plan to continue staying at home beyond that. I have no idea when it will feel safe to re-emerge into normal life. I try not to dwell on that uncertainty.

When I was talking to my dear friend Allyson the other day we agreed that it's so important right now to have things to look forward to. We've been texting each other little things that we can look forward to like the Parks and Rec special and the forthcoming Michelle Obama documentary. In May I'm also looking forward to adding exercise back into my life, real smiles from Maeve, making sourdough bread for the first time, watching the boys swim in the inflatable pool we got for the backyard, and delicious dinners.

Big things happening in May:

+ Maeve is one month old. I love that she's starting to get chunky.

+ Mothers' Day

+ The end of the school year for the boys. Not that our days will look all that different but I do want to celebrate the completion of first grade and pre-K somehow.

May goals:

+ Ease into exercise. I'm enjoying the postpartum pilates videos from The Balanced Life. I've also been doing sets of squats, no-weight deadlifts, and modified pushups. I hope to start doing these things a few times per week so that in June I can start to return to higher-intensity exercise.

+ Buy and deliver gifts to the boys' teachers. I'm always appreciative of teachers but especially so this year as they have navigated distance learning.

+ No added sugar. This is always a great reset for me and I'm excited to return to more balanced eating. To satisfy my sweet tooth without added sugar I'm excited to eat banana ice cream which we made for the first time this week. We used this recipe and added cocoa powder and peanut butter. It was so good!

+ Figure out distance podcasting. So Erica and I can record at our separate houses (this makes me sad!) and then...

+ Record a new podcast episode with Erica.

Recurring monthly goals:

+ Track spending in Mint. The key to doing this is to choose a specific time, or put it on my list of three things that I often make and share in my Instagram Stories.

+ Have a budget meeting with Chris. 

+ Put phone away at 5 p.m. I need to modify this goal since I don't mind being on my phone while I'm nursing Maeve after 5 p.m. I think what I'd rather focus on is not being on my phone when I'm with the boys. I already do a pretty good job of this but I'd like to be more aware.


Happy May, friends! What are you looking forward to this month?


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