Pregnancy Favorites
Hearty Banana Applesauce Oatmeal Muffins

March Wrap Up


Oh March, you were not what we expected at all. It all started well enough with great weather and a fun, laid-back spring break but by the end of spring break it was becoming apparent our world – the world – was changing very quickly and in very concerning ways. I was really looking forward to the boys returning to school and having a week or two of leisurely checking off a few last to-do items before the arrival of our baby girl. Instead there were days of anxiously reading the news, wrapping our heads around the boys not going back to school, and sometimes nearly forgetting I was pregnant amidst it all.

As we head into the end of the month I feel like my brain has two compartments: one is consumed with eagerly awaiting/preparing for the birth of our baby girl, the other trying to make sense of how we live now. It's strange to hold both at the same time. I'm mostly able to focus on the excitement. To manage anxiety I'm focusing on what I know and what I can control. I love Elise's approach of naming just three things to accomplish each day. Today mine were: bake bread, finish baby shower thank you notes, and complete a load of laundry. (Extra credit for having a baby – ha!) It felt good to check all three off.

If I just look around at my family and home everything feels peaceful: the weather is amazing, my mom is here, the boys are doing so well considering the change in their schedule, Chris is home all day now. In some ways it doesn't feel right to appreciate all of this as so many people are getting sick, many are dying, and many, many more are facing lost jobs and economic hardships. That's the way it is though and I'm making space to feel happy and sad, overjoyed and anxious. I think it's a saying that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? This year I think it's in like a lamb and out like a lion. SHEESH.

I'm finishing this post on March 25, the day before my due date, and perhaps (hopefully!) by the time it publishes it'll be out of date and our baby girl will be in our arms! Not knowing what the next few days will bring I thought I'd go ahead and get this done. :)

March goals update:

+ Keep the house tidy. YES. I'm not sure the house has ever been this clean for this long. I really just don't have much to do but still have good energy so I might as well steam mop the floors again.

+ Stock the freezer. YES. My mom and I spent such a cozy, rainy day making freezer meals and a couple of breads that we can pull out to eat post-baby. I love that we got to have a day cooking together.

Other March wins:

+ Attended an orientation at our birth center to go over specifics and logistics.

+ Met long-time online friend Sarah (of the Friendlier podcast) in person. We went to an Orange Theory class together (it ended up being my last class before my gym closed) and had breakfast at one of my favorite spots. It was so fun to spend time together, especially during a week when everything was getting increasingly scary.

+ Had a fun book club movie date to see Emma.

+ Had a really fun spring break with the boys.

+ Friends dropped off baby wipes (since they are very low in stock at stores). One had an extra pack, another saw some at the store and bought them for us.

+ Met virtually with our sleep coach to go over newborn sleep. It was so informative and reassuring!

+ Chris built and planted a second garden box and installed a tether ball pole for the boys. He's been so busy!

+ Got a quote from an arborist for having our backyard trees trimmed and scheduled the service.

+ Finished our 2019 family photo book! Now just waiting for a good discount code to order.

+ Baked many delicious things: chocolate banana bread, perfect blueberry muffins (twice), and no-knead bread.


I hope you're hanging in there, friends, and are able to find little joys and things to feel grateful for. Sending good thoughts.
