Currently: November
Baby #3 / 24 Weeks

Goals - December 2019

December Goals | RISING*SHINING
The glorious desert winters catch me by surprise every year but we appreciate them so deeply after the hot, hot summers. Just today, the last day of November as I'm writing this, we ate the last of the sweet potato pie and brought out the Christmas decorations. It's sunny and cool, the front door is open, and our grass and plants are looking so green after rainstorms this week.

December will be all about enjoying our family and the holidays but in the new year it will really be time to get ready for a baby in the house again. Every month that goes by is another month closer to meeting our baby girl and being a mama of THREE. Even though I've had several months of knowing what's coming I still can't wrap my head around it sometimes – although I'm so excited about it! So much good to look forward to.

November wins:

+ A really fun trip to Philadelphia with Chris.

+ Posted weekly to my blog.

+ Got new tires on the car.

+ After waiting in eager anticipation heard the wonderful news that my nephew Avery was born! I was on pins and needles all week and for a day and a half while my sister was in labor. They are doing great. :)

+ Had string lights hung in the back yard! It makes such a big difference in the ambiance of our backyard at night.

+ Hosted a fun Thanksgiving with Arizona family.

Big things in December:

+ 24 weeks pregnant!

+ Celebrate early Christmas and birthdays with Arizona family.

+ Chris goes on a weekend guys' trip.

+ Travel to Austin to have Christmas with my family, and to meet baby Avery!

+ My birthday. 36!

+ Cedric's birthday. 5!

December goals:

+ Schedule elf days so I can finish Christmas shopping, wrapping, and shipping early. Elf days are a tradition I adopted from a friend where you block off two or three days in early December to get all your Christmas stuff done at an enjoyable pace rather than hectically at the last minute.

+ Make concrete plans for the boys' new bedroom and for the baby's nursery. I hope to hit the ground running in the new year.

+ Post weekly to my blog.

+ Figure out what we'll do for Cedric's birthday. We're planning a small celebration in Austin and I would also love to do something with friends or at least the gang of neighbor friends here in Gilbert. The post-Christmas birthday is tough!


Happy December, friends!
