"People are so relieved when you start telling the truth." This is one of the many phrases that I scribbled down on my notepad, barely able to see in the dark theater, as I sat next to two dear friends last month listening to the wise and funny writer Anne Lamott. Over an hour and a half she talked about mercy, hope, and writing. Anne describes herself as a devout Christian and although I am atheist I find her reflections on love and faith accessible and uplifting. Her advice about writing I could listen to all day, or at least... Read more →
April 2019
It's spring! At least here in Arizona. My palo verde trees have started blooming with little yellow flowers and more open every day. This is why I planted them! Spring also means Dash's birthday and the weather is always perfect. I have a six year old! It's bittersweet when they leave an age behind but six feels like an awesome age already. On his sixth birthday Dash announced that he would wash his own breakfast dishes since being older means more responsibility. (!) The habit hasn't stuck but overall there has been more cooperation in routines and chores which is... Read more →
In March, spring break felt like the theme of the month even though it was just a week plus a Monday. Dash got pretty sick over spring break too so instead of parks and adventures we had several cozy couch days watching movies. It wasn't how I expected to spend the week but I did feel very thankful not to be dealing with trying to take time off work to be with a sick kiddo. On the creative front last month I was productive but always want to do more. I'm reminding myself that I'll probably always feel this way.... Read more →