I quit my job
Mini summer sabbatical

Goals - May 2018

May goals | RISING*SHININGI'm writing this from the breezy morning shade of my front porch, wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Already the afternoons are getting hot; summer declaring that it is on its way.

May is the prologue to summer and this year it's a prologue to my new chapter. This month is about transitioning and decompressing and breathing. I'll have several days with childcare for both boys and few commitments. We'll also be traveling for nearly three weeks to Texas, taking full advantage of our more flexible schedule.

What I noticed immediately in my first week of not working is how different time feels. Rushing and multi-tasking, two states of being that I don't love, used to baked into our routine. Now hours and days stretch instead of whizzing by. My mind plays tricks on me and suddenly I'll get a knot in my stomach thinking I should be somewhere or that I need to check in with work. And then I remember: I'm doing exactly what I should be and this slower pace is part of a new normal.

Starting in June I'll have some days each week with both of the boys at home. This month I'm thinking about what my days will look like when they are with me and what I'll do on the days they are in summer preschool. I know that life will become busier as I get started on the writing projects I've been percolating and as I have days where I'm with the boys all day. But for this month I'm luxuriating in not having many plans and in going slow.

Big things happening in May:

+ Family trip to Texas. We are heading to Austin for a long visit to attend my sister's wedding (hooray!) and will even fit in a little trip to the Texas coast – the boys' first time to the beach! I'm excited to be with family in a city I love and not worry about work emails accumulating.

May goals:

+ Plans for front and backyard updates. We have been saving up for some yard updates and are ready to make them happen. But first we need specific plans. I'm the one with all the opinions about plants, etc. (YES to agave, NO to oleander) so I need to make a Google Doc and get specific.

+ Brainstorm our summer schedule. Shortly after we get home from Texas I'll start having the boys home with me two days per week and in July three days per week. I've never been the solo parent in charge for so much time! I'm mostly excited about it, but knowing myself I need to get some routines and schedules in place.

Recurring monthly goals:

+ Call my mom on Fridays, and call my Austin girl friends every other week or so.

+ Thursday night at-home cookies dates with Chris. We are loving this routine and have only missed a few weeks so far this year. I need to freeze another batch of these cookies – they are delicious baked right from frozen.

+ Don't start or end the day with my phone.

+ Go to bed by 9 pm. 


What are your goals this month? Happy May!

