It's the end of June and we're nearly on to July! I keep thinking of so many things to write about and am trying to make the time. I hope a little round up will catch you up a bit. And hopefully we're friends on Instagram, I'm posting there quite often. Right now I'm... Working from the floor of our bedroom during nap time. Finding that time to write doesn't just happen, I have to make it happen. Reading How to Raise an Adult and agreeing with many of its points. Drinking mint ice tea in the afternoons at work... Read more →
June 2016
We try to keep toys simple and few at our house but I'm happy to have children's books in every room. As a result, reading is an activity option at any time of the day. We're also building a collection of children's books via Audible and we listen to stories when we're in the car with the boys. You can purchase Audible audio books through Amazon without an Audible membership. The jack to plug in my phone to the car speakers is broken so I play the books on my Audible app and put my phone in a cup holder... Read more →
A few weeks ago I nursed Cedric for the last time. There wasn't a last symbolic time in the big red chair where I've spent hours nursing my boys and I didn't get Chris to take a picture as I had envisioned. I actually don't specifically remember nursing for the last time because at the time I didn't know it was the last. So often with parenthood we don't realize something is the last time until it's already passed! I made the decision to stop nursing on a Saturday; the boys were up before 5 am and I was tired.... Read more →
When I moved to Arizona eight years ago this month (!) I was just out of graduate school and eager to read novels instead of textbooks. I had always loved the idea of belonging to a book club and as I put together my post-school adult life I set out to find one. The first book club I came across on Meet Up was the East Valley Casual Women's Book Club which described exactly what I was looking for and it turned out to be a perfect fit. Just as I suspected I love having a book club in my... Read more →
In the past few years I've come to see creating as essential to who I am and the more I create the more creative I feel. My life is full, as I'm sure that yours is, and ample time to create does not just happen; I have to be intentionally about creating time to create. Three years ago I had the idea to write an ecourse for working moms that would be the resource I wish I had had when I went back to work after having Dashiell. I worked with Andrea to develop the concept of the course and... Read more →
In May I rocked the solo parent thing for four days, we had the house painted and enjoyed coolish mornings and evenings. I didn't do a great job on my goals and only accomplished going on a breakfast date with Chris in downtown Gilbert, but that was a great goal to accomplish! But I did fit in some other things in May that weren't on my goal list: I had a gal date with my friend Becky and checked out a cute new place sandwich shop in downtown Mesa; I had a great creative retreat with Erica to plan for... Read more →