The house is painted!
Creating time to create

Goals - June 2016


In May I rocked the solo parent thing for four days, we had the house painted and enjoyed coolish mornings and evenings. I didn't do a great job on my goals and only accomplished going on a breakfast date with Chris in downtown Gilbert, but that was a great goal to accomplish!

But I did fit in some other things in May that weren't on my goal list: I had a gal date with my friend Becky and checked out a cute new place sandwich shop in downtown Mesa; I had a great creative retreat with Erica to plan for The Girl Next Door podcast and the next week we met to talk about developing a newsletter for the podcast; I had a two day creative retreat at home and made some progress on my ecourse for working moms; Chris and I took our dear friends out to a favorite restaurant for a goodbye dinner before they move (wah!) and I had creative huddles with Sarah and Rachel. I've also been loving keeping up with Sarah and a few other friends via Voxer!

I've also been sharing weekly spreads in my GET TO WORK BOOK on Instagram with the hashtag #weekly GTWB. It's been motivating me to spend some time looking ahead to the week and planning goals and things just for fun.  

In June we have some fun things coming up and are also looking forward to laid back weekends and starting swim lessons with the boys. I'm actively working on learning to love the crazy hot summers here. We're heading into the 100+ temps this week so wish me luck!

Big things happening in June:

+ Book club retreat to Sedona! I'm spending three days in Sedona with my book club and exclamation points are an understatement. I love the gals in my book club and am giddy to be in beautiful Sedona with them and to hike, enjoy coffee (and later cocktails) on the porch and long, uninterrupted conversations. 

+ Chris is out of town/my mom visits! While Chris helps a friend move out east (boo!) my mom is coming for a visit and to help with the boys. While she's here I'm looking forward to taking a day off work to hang out and maybe get a little house project done, which we always love to do together. 

+ Work with a sleep coach. We are Skyping with a sleep coach TODAY and are eager to implement a sleep plan. It's been tough, friends. Change is always hard so I imagine there will be some rough days and nights but we are feeling excited for what's on the other side. I'll share updates for sure!

June goals: 

+ Sort and organize the boys' clothes. Dash is solidly in 4T clothing and Cedric in 2T (!). As Dash grows we put his clothes in storage for Cedric and as Cedric grows we hand down or donate his clothes.

+ Three work sessions on my ecourse. Extra projects on top of a full life don't come easily but this month I want to find three times to sit down and work on my ecourse, whether it's 30 minutes or 2 hours each time. Every little bit counts. 

+ Get our compost healthy. Guys, our compost has so many roaches, it's disgusting. I L-O-V-E composting but not the roaches. We've let the compost get too dry and don't turn it enough so I'm committing to keeping it watered and turned and am hoping that will help. Otherwise we might consider getting an above-ground composter. Any tips for me? We put all our vegetable scraps in the compost; do we need to add grass clippings or something else? Otherwise the compost actually looks very healthy, everything breaks down quickly and turns to rich, black compost. The perk is that the boys love coming to the compost with me to look at all the bugs :)/:(

+ Make popsicles! We just ordered this cute popsicle mold and I've been telling Dashiell that "in the summer we go swimming and eat popsicles!" so I need to be true to my word! I'd love to try these and these

+ New bras and underwear. Real talk, people! Putting this out here for accountability, can you relate? I absolutely love my ThirdLove bra, which I purchased when I was done with nursing bras so I'd like to buy a second and it's been a minute since I bought new undies, eeek.

Recurring monthly goals:

+ Exercise three times per week. On Monday and Friday mornings I go to Orange Theory. Fitting in the third work out has been inconsistent but I'm going to try taking Dash with me in the jogging stroller for early runs - or maybe he'll still be sleeping!!

+ Publish to RISING*SHINING on Mondays and Wednesdays. Working on getting back to this!

+ Record and produce new episodes of The Girl Next Door Podcast and Matrimoney on schedule.


Would love to know what you are up to this month!  

Happy June!
