Sundays are mounting a case to be my favorite day of the week; it's so funny to think that they used to be my least favorite. Back when I had a job I really (really) disliked, Sundays brought a sense of dread for the upcoming work week. But now Sundays are days spent at home and the house is full of children and cooking and life. It's the best place to be. Plus, I genuinely look forward to returning to my peaceful desk and my work on Monday mornings. I read a post about creating "the Sunday home" months ago... Read more →
November 2015
Recently I've become very enthusiastic about eliminating unwanted mail - both email and paper mail. Yes, it's easy to just delete an email or to recycle an unwanted catalog but it doesn't get to the root of the problem. Pulling out a stack of junk mail from my mailbox is a stack of my wasted time because I have to sort through it and recycle it. And then there's the emotion of being annoyed by it and thinking, "Arg, I should do something about this!" It's the same with an inbox full of promotional email plus that can make it... Read more →
An occasional series of small things that bring some awesome to my life. My newish besu wallet. Since becoming a mom I need to travel light and have two free hands; I can't keep up with a toddler and carry a purse. To run errands I was always taking my driver's license and credit card out of my wallet and putting them in a pocket. But I'd forget where I left them, or they'd fall out on the closet floor. Plus I was using a wallet that was years old and much too big. Enter my cute besu wallet. It's... Read more →
Hello, November. I love you. The mornings and evenings are cool or even chilly and we are making use of our screen doors everyday. Weekly soup is back in rotation and Dash helped me make cornbread last week and eagerly asked for seconds (Dashiell didn't care for the soup but Cedric slurped it up). The boys still wear shorts and short sleeves most days but occasionally pants and recently I bought Dashiell his very first pair of jeans. Cedric is wearing all of Dashiell's old clothes (12m and 18m size) and I'm having deja vu seeing the familiar outfits on... Read more →