Painting is happening!
The magic of new paint colors

Goals - July 2015

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Hey, July! So far the summer isn't terrible. It's hot, for sure, but there's also iced coffee and grilled pizza (here's how we make ours).

I'm excited for the long weekend coming up, which I'm stretching by taking Thursday off as well. And my parents are flying in today! Tomorrow the boys will be at daycare and I'm taking the day off so I'm looking forward to uninterrupted conversation and maybe tackling a couple of small projects with my parents.

We're going to a big potluck and pool party on the 4th of July and the holiday is starting to find a spot in my heart. I used to not think much of it but it falls just as the intense heat of summer rolls in and I've noticed I look forward to a reason for festivity, swimming and pie. 

This is a busy time for me at work with two big reports due on the last day of the month. And I have an opportunity to cover a really interesting university story that will require attending a Saturday conference. So keeping my list of goals short this month.

+ Create a few interactive activities for Dashiell. I've been feeling that Dashiell could use some more challenging toys or activities. When my mom is here we're going to put together a few new things that he can do like matching, sorting, pouring, etc. using things around the house or from Goodwill. He loves to help us cook and to measure flour, stir and pour so I know he'd love getting to practice these skills more. How We Montessori is always great inspiration to me. If you have ideas I'd love to hear them!

+ Orange Theory twice per week + evening run once per week. Cedric has been up a lot at night lately and so usually I want to fall into bed by 8:15 pm. But if I start motivating myself to go for an evening run earlier in the day I can usually rally. I try to fit in one Orange Theory class on the weekend and one after bedtime at 8 pm. Perhaps I could try an early morning workout since I'm up in the 5 am hour anyway...working out and parenting small children is definitely a challenge! 

Recurring monthly goals:

+ Maintain podcast recording/production schedule necessary to air a new Girl Next Door Podcast episode every other week. Even though the podcast is really fun it still takes work to coordinate a time Erica and I can get together and both have childcare (thanks, husbands!) and then to edit and publish the episode.

+ Download photos off of phone and sort them into folders for Cedric's baby photo book and our 2015 Team Wharton family album. Still doing well on this, giving myself a huge high five.

Happy July!

July 2014 (that plant on the right is now huge! But sadly all the rest are dead, guess I didn't do so great on that goal...)

no goals post in July 2013, I was just going back to work after having Dashiell, awwww, what an emotional time that was!

July 2012

July 2011
