Our baby BOY is here!
I'm thrilled to introduce our baby BOY:
Cedric was born in the wee hours Sunday, December 28 at 3:45 am. He was the exact weight and nearly the same length as Dashiell at 9.5 lbs and 21.25 inches, another big healthy boy. Apparently I only make babies in size large. My labor was fast and intense, just four hours. Whoa. I hope to write up and share my birth story soon. Everything went great, just very fast.
Having a newborn again has been familiar and surreal all at the same time. Everything is going well. Really well. Cedric is nursing and sleeping. I'm not in tearful pain from breastfeeding as I was with Dashiell. Dashiell is so interested in Cedric and runs over to kiss his head and gets really close to say, "Hi! Hi! Hi!" He thinks it's hilarious when Cedric sneezes.
I'm so full of love for my two boys and so far I haven't felt overwhelmed with worry and tears as I did with Dashiell. Chris and I are feeling so lucky to have our family of four and are so in love with our little Cedric. I'm so happy to share the news that he's here!
Hope that you've had a wonderful holiday, friends, and happy new year!