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January 2015

photos by Darby Simon Although my labor and delivery with Cedric was only four hours there's so much to say. I thought about breaking this into a few posts but I'm keeping it all together as I did with Dashiell's birth story, which I'm so happy to have written down. + + + Looking back, my pregnancy with Cedric felt really long. I knew that at the end of December-ish I would be giving birth but life was already so full that the event didn't seem quite real. As the heat of the summer and fall stretched on (and on... Read more →

photo by Darby Simon Happy 2015! 2014 was an epic, awesome year for our family: Dashiell turned one and started talking and walking, Erica and I launched a podcast and consistently published an episode every other week for the entire year (we're super proud of ourselves!), Chris got tenure, we found out we would be having another baby, I changed jobs at work, we minimized a lot of our stuff and even sold a car, we paid off my student loans and finally: we met Cedric! What a year! I'm starting 2015 with a sleeping newborn in my lap and... Read more →

I'm thrilled to introduce our baby BOY: Cedric Mack Cedric was born in the wee hours Sunday, December 28 at 3:45 am. He was the exact weight and nearly the same length as Dashiell at 9.5 lbs and 21.25 inches, another big healthy boy. Apparently I only make babies in size large. My labor was fast and intense, just four hours. Whoa. I hope to write up and share my birth story soon. Everything went great, just very fast. Having a newborn again has been familiar and surreal all at the same time. Everything is going well. Really well. Cedric... Read more →