Going cruelty-free
One-car family: go!

Goals - July 2014

  July 2014 goals | RISING*SHINING

The month is already underway! It started off with me having no energy for goals but! I think I've left the exhaustion of early pregnancy behind and I'm starting to feel like my energetic self again; so good to see her, we have things to do.

Despite the heat my spirits are surprisingly high. Much credit goes to the glorious clouds, evening lightening viewing and fabulous storm we had just yesterday afternoon. I know it must sound strange but just to see clouds in the sky is a treat and even a bit of cloud cover makes being outside so much more enjoyable. 

I have two big reports due at work at the end of the month and I'm eager to put them behind me. So far so good but I'll be breathing a big sigh of relief on August 1. With a nod to that and the fact that the month is already half way over, keeping my goals few and simple this month: 

+ Start moving our office to the guest bedroom. We've decided to turn our current office into Dashiell's new bedroom and our guest bedroom into our office. We're selling our guest bed and plan to purchase an inflatable bed for guests. I'm excited to get these rooms set up!

+ Sell Chris's car! We've decided to try being a one-car family; we're really excited. Details on Wednesday!

+ Keep my newly potted plants alive. I love tending to plants; I find it so relaxing and satisfying. So much so that I'm making a mental note that whenever I feel blah I just need to buy a new plant to pot and I will feel so much better. I recently re-potted my Christmas cactus and a few other things I already had and potted a new fire sticks plant, which I've been wanting for awhile. I'm checking on them daily and hope the ones living outside make it through the brutal heat.

Happy July!

P.S. The first episode of The Girl Next Door Podcast Book Club is live! We hope you'll join us for a lively discussion of Delancey by Molly Wizenburg and Wild by Cheryl Strayed.
