Holiday week!
Hi friends! This week I'm taking a little break from blogging but I wanted to pop in to say hi and wish you a happy 4th of July week if you are celebrating in the U.S. and a happy first week of July regardless. I hope you are having a fabulous summer! It's really hot here but I'm trying very hard to stay positive. Just three more months to go! (Woooooo) We've been able to enjoy being outdoors in the early morning and in the shade of the late afternoon so that is definitely helping.
This week I just have a short week of two (busy) days at work before I'm off for a glorious five day weekend. I'm looking forward to a day date of lunch and a movie with Chris on Wednesday and then hanging with our wee one for the rest of the week. I'm sure there will be early morning walks at The Coffee Shop, backyard sprinklers, and I'm pretty sure I'll be making this. Icebox cake is my new favorite.
Also, toddler outtakes: