Weeknight Pad Thai
Breastfeeding past one year

Goals - June 2014

  June 2014 goals | www.risingshining.com

Summer is here. First, the very good part of summer: Chris's schedule has slowed down and he's home two days a week with Dashiell. The house is wonderfully clean (it's definitely easier for me to appreciate our house when it's clean) and life feels much less hectic. Very welcome changes indeed.

The less exciting parts of summer: it's getting HOT (temperatures already over 105 consistently) and work is very busy for me in the summer. I have a few reports that I manage that provide overviews of the previous fiscal year (which ends June 30) so I'm gearing up for those and feeling a little stressed. At the same time, I'm hoping to start putting in some working Sundays for my e-course so that I can stay on track for launching this fall. 

Since the summer will surely be hot and busy on the work front I'm especially looking forward to having fun as a family during the evenings and weekends. Dashiell is warming up to splash pads and also loves playing in a sprinkler in the back yard so I predict lots of water play for Team Wharton. Hopefully with a sprinkler on for Dash and an icy Arnold Palmer in my hand the summer evenings will be bearable outside. Perhaps Dash will even try his first popsicle...

My goals for June are:

+ Create an information webpage for my e-course for working moms, Radiant Mamas, and start an email sign up list.

+ Settle in to my new desk space at work. Since I changed positions at work I've continued to sit at my old desk, which is in a different area from the rest of my new group. This week I'm moving desks so that I can sit with the rest of my colleagues. Unfortunately, my new desk is a pretty nondescript cube with no window (tears!) but I did get a giant new Mac desktop and my colleagues are so fun to be around. I think with some touches of personality my new desk won't be so bad.

+ Be active four mornings a week. Although I could do without the 109 degree days I am loving the early morning light. It's been motivating me to get up and practice yoga, go for a walk or get to spin class before Dashiell wakes up. I have much more energy for the day on mornings that begin with exercise and I'd like to push myself to make it a nearly daily habit.

+ Make a pie. I've been craving pie and I declare that reason enough to warrant a goal. 

Happy June!
