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May 2014

Here's some Kelsey truth: I am a huge fan of pancakes but super picky about them. To the point that I prefer our homemade pancakes over most restaurant pancakes (this might sound familiar). What I want from a pancake is for it to be something more than the standard buttermilk variety (yaaaawn). Give me something with whole grain or an interesting flour base (buckwheat! rye!), so it's hearty and healthy and keeps me full for a while. Chris usually doesn't get excited about pancakes for this same reason. But we recently came across a whole grain, high-protein pancake recipe that... Read more →

A few weeks ago, I carried Dashiell across the street on my hip to check the mail after work. As I pulled out the stack of letters and fliers I noticed a slim package with the return address: Remedy Quarterly, San Francisco. Butterflies flooded my stomach as I realized that the unassuming parcel contained the latest issue of one of my favorite publications and in this issue I was a featured author. I was holding my creative writing in print for the first time. Inside, I set Dash down to play and I felt unexpectedly nervous as I held words... Read more →

Over the course of three blog posts I'm sharing how my podcast, The Girl Next Door Podcast, is made. Last week, I shared the equipment that we use and this week I'd like to share how we publish our show online. Before creating the first episode of our podcast, I thought that surely figuring out the equipment and recording our voices would be the hardest part of a podcast. That turned out to be the easy part (at least for us)! What stumped and frustrated me for a long time was how to share our show with listeners. To share... Read more →

Even though May will bring temperatures that are undeniably hot it will also bring a slower pace to life since Chris is on summer vacation. The house tends to stay cleaner, dinner is ready when I get home from work and there are no working weekends or evening lectures. Even as I type that I feel myself relaxing. As I was making my May goals I found myself putting an exclamation point behind each one. Surely that means that good things are to come this month. + Try a new hairstyle! This is one of my 2014 goals! I recently... Read more →