Photo Challenge // April
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Goals - May 2014

  May goals 2014 |

Even though May will bring temperatures that are undeniably hot it will also bring a slower pace to life since Chris is on summer vacation. The house tends to stay cleaner, dinner is ready when I get home from work and there are no working weekends or evening lectures. Even as I type that I feel myself relaxing.

As I was making my May goals I found myself putting an exclamation point behind each one. Surely that means that good things are to come this month. 

+ Try a new hairstyle! This is one of my 2014 goals! I recently had my hair cut to shorter than shoulder length(!) and I'm loving the shortened hair-drying time. I really want to master the soft waves created with a flat iron...we'll see.

+ Take a day off of work and go on a day date with Chris!

+ Plan weekend activities for my girls trip to Austin! I'm a little nervous but also excited to take my first trip away from Dashiell this month. I'm heading home to Austin to meet up with several dear girl friends from graduate school. I can't wait to show off Austin to them and I know a dose of time with good friends will be rejuvenating. I'm also daydreaming of reading uninterrupted on the flight to and from Austin, seeing my family, getting my toes painted, and eating breakfast tacos everyday.

Happy May!
