Goals - March 2014
Combining our bank accounts

Season of change



More so than any season, the spring seems to bring change to my life. Certainly there is change all around me; the desert bursts into color from drab winter tones, our backyard is transformed into a shady retreat as our trees leaf out, an enthusiastic mockingbird sings his heart out at 2 am (not even joking). I started thinking about this season of change because I actually just changed positions at my job! It's both a big and little change.

It's a little change because I'm actually still sitting at my same desk (but I do love my desk and my view!) with the same title and the same salary. But it's a big change because I've transitioned from being in a group that focuses on university research strategy to a group that focuses on communicating the story of university research. I'll be working with an awesome team that includes other writers as well as graphic designers and videographers and will have opportunities to be more creative in my writing. Although working full time necessarily means being away from Dashiell, and that can be hard, I'm so thankful to have a job that combines my love of writing with my insatiable need to learn.

I realized this change falls right in line with quite a few spring changes in the recent history of Kelsey. Shall we walk down memory lane together? 

+ During spring break 2008 I visited my then boyfriend(!) Chris in Arizona and interviewed for a position at an environmental consulting firm that would become my first job. In May, I graduated from Yale with my master's degree in environmental science and moved to Arizona!

+ In the spring of 2009, Chris and I got engaged and then, in the spring of 2010, we were married. When we returned from our wedding in Austin, I put in my two weeks notice and changed jobs from one environmental consulting firm to another. I had been unhappy from pretty early on at that job.

+ Finding myself feeling stuck and unhappy again at my job I launched this blog in the spring of 2011.

+ In the spring of 2012 I was thrilled to be hired for my current position as a Science Writer at a large university where Chris also works. Three months later, we found out we were pregnant! Honorable mention: finally bought my dream car!

+ Spring of 2013 was certainly the best.

+ And now in the spring of 2014 I find myself with yet another change in my job, this one the best I've had yet. 

Spring 2015 and beyond: you have a lot to live up to but I'm excited to see what you bring.
