A gallery wall (finally)
Seven months of being a working mom

These days

Playblocks  Valentines2014 Radishscent

These days...

stretching with 30 Day Yoga Challenge in the early morning while Dash sleeps.

celebrating that Dashiell slept his first FULL night of sleep: 7:30 PM to 6:45 AM. WHAT. This also reminds me that I owe you a post on Dashiell's sleep and how we've arrived at such a good place after many months of waking many, many times a night.

devouring Wild and making my way through Breakfast: A History

excited to thumb through Keepers this weekend.

sticking to my (unblogged) goal of not buying any books this year. I heart the public library.

enjoying a glorious lull at work. For the first time since coming back from maternity leave I don't have a looming deadline and actually have time to organize files and delete emails. This brings me such joy.

finding my groove as a working mama + plans to post more about this soon.

thrilled to share a THIRD episode of The Girl Next Door Podcast today and looking forward to recording a fourth on Monday.

spending much less time on Facebook. And loving it.

changing out my holiday pine dish washing soap for zesty radish.

looking forward to a day of Dashiell + mama on Monday when our daycare is closed.

smitten with my Valentine, who arranged for a babysitter and took me out for drinks and dessert last night.

experiencing the snowy winter only through Instagram and feeling thankful. We're heading into the 80s this weekend and we're living outside.

can't wait to share a scone with Dash at the farmer's market on Saturday, as is our tradition, and for a Team Wharton bike ride on Saturday afternoon.

amazed at all that Dashiell is learning: a few more steps, hints of waving "bye-bye", stacking nesting mixing bowls, pointing to planes and birds.

feeling more myself than ever before and

finding 30 a fabulous place to be.

heading out for a late afternoon run.

Happy Valentine's Day! xox
