Hey, 2014!
When I started thinking of my 2014 goals a few months back (you know it!) my inclination was to think of all sorts of new projects to take on, such a writing a hand-written thank you note each week to a different person. I loved the idea of sending mail and thinking of different people to say thank you to. You know, because one more thing to do each week in the midst of my busy, busy life is such a great idea. Insert record scratching sound and reality check moment. Let's be real, Kelsey.
So I reconsidered my 2014 goals. I thought not only about what I want to do but what I might want to let go and also about what I already have in the works. Debt reduction will definitely be a theme this year and so more a way of life than a goal. With these things in mind, here are my 2014 goals:
+ Appreciate our house as it is. I love to daydream about all the changes I want to make to our house; especially now that we plan to stay. Creating our home environment and making our cookie cutter suburban house more unique is a favorite past time of mine. But I can also get too caught up in everything I want to change (especially when I read DIY blogs) and don't appreciate all that we already have. This year, as we focus on debt repayment, we likely won't be making investments in home improvement or decor. Instead of lamenting this fact I want to remember to appreciate the simple but also significant fact that we own a home. We truly live like royalty compared to most of the world and we are so lucky to live in a safe, air conditioned, and spacious house. I want to remember this perspective when my mind turns to thoughts of new throw pillows and paint.
+ Take my creative work seriously. I have two creative projects that will launch in 2014 that I'm crazy excited about: an e-course (!!) and a podcast (!!). It seemed that the busier I became in 2013 the more creative ideas I had and together with the Mondo Beyondo mindset I knew I had to pursue them. Taking these projects seriously means making time for them, scheduling deadlines for myself, and continuing to move forward each week. The podcast, which I'm recording with Erica!, should launch in the next month or so. The e-course, which is for working mamas and is so dear to my heart, will hopefully launch in September. (P.S. Check out a guest post that I wrote on taking your creative work seriously.)
+ Take in the view from a bike seat. I'm suuuper excited about the Christmas gift that Chris bought me: a rad (yellow!) Trek bike and a (yellow!) trailer for Dash to ride in. I think getting out on our bikes is going to be a new favorite for Team Wharton. We plan to ride our bikes to the farmer's market on Saturdays; I also want to figure out a route to The Coffee Shop and I want to go on at least one bike date with Chris this year. We can bike from our house to downtown Gilbert for dinner and bike home; I'm so in love with this! Because we are very in the middle of suburbia I didn't think that we'd achieve the bike-ability aspect of our ideal life while we live here. I'm realizing I might be wrong about that and I'm thrilled.
+ Learn two new hairstyles. Saved the best for last! A little goal just for fun but something that I really want to do. I've been wearing my hair longer for a while but I only have three ways that I wear it: down, in a pony tail, and in a bun. I think I just fell asleep - so boring! Occasionally I'll wear some curls since I did finally master the curling iron in 2013 - only took me 29 years. But I'd love to add at least two more hairstyles to my routine, especially ones that are office-worthy and make me feel more put together and professional.
Here we go, 2014, let's do this!
Happy 2014!