At the end of 2013
What a year 2013 has been! A year ago we rang in the new year with a few other very pregnant friends. This year we had an early get together with the same friends, played dominoes while our boys crawled (and one of them walked!) around and we called it a night by 7 (because you don't mess with the bedtime routine).
2013 has been incredible, joyful, challenging, rewarding, and full. I'm so thankful for and proud of all that it held. In 2014 I'm crazy excited to watch Dashiell grow and learn, to get to know myself as a mama even more and to find ways to make time for just me, to go on dates with Chris, to ride the awesome bike that I got for Christmas and to pull Dash in the trailer that came with it, to make some dents in our debt, and to take on some new creative projects.
This has been a year for the books for sure and I am so thankful to have this space and this community to share my thoughts. I wish we could clink champagne glasses and wave sparklers around like crazy together. Your comments and friendship mean so much to me. Even if you read and don't comment I appreciate you spending part of your day with me. My little corner of the internet sure would be lonely without you!
Happy new year, friends, and cheers to 2014!