Making me happy this week
A photo book for Dashiell: birth to six months

Organizing our digital photos


One of my goals for 2013 was "to organize our digital lives, especially our photos, and make use of the pictures we take." And I'm happy to report that I'm making significant progress!

In terms of organizing our digital lives, one challenge we faced is having multiple computers across which our digital pictures and files exist. We also weren't backing any of this up consistently. Eeek!

So, earlier this year we invested in an Apple AirPort Time Capsule with 3 terbytes of storage. (One day, likely sooner than I think, I'll look back at this and be astonished that I thought 3 TB was an amazing amount of storage. Technology is crazy and amazing. End tangent.) Time Capsule automatically and wirelessly backs up all the computers in our house. Exhale sigh of relief.

I've also come up with an approach for organizing and making use of the many, many pictures that we're snapping of Dash. For Dashiell's first year I'm creating two photo books: one for birth through six months and one for six months through one year. After that I will create yearly Team Wharton family albums. My plan is to download the photos from my phone every month-ish and save a few favorites to a folder for the yearly albums. I'll also add any favorite photos taken with my DSLR to the folder. Then when I sit down to make the Team Wharton annual photo book I won't have to wade through an entire year's worth of photos.

Tomorrow I'll share the details of Dash's first photo book, it turned out so great!
