34 Weeks
34 weeks through this pregnancy. This picture is actually a week late, I'll be 35 weeks this week! February was a busy month, as I expected it to be, and I haven't been able to make blogging a priority.
I've been losing track of how many weeks along I am but Chris always remembers. He'll say, "We're almost 35 weeks...just two more until full term." He is so excited to have this baby in his arms.
Our babymoon at The Clarendon was perfect. We had happy hour and played cards and Farkel at Gallo Blanco over guacamole and then had a cozy dinner at St. Francis. We had a long breakfast at Gallo Blanco the next morning and then braved the chilly weather to get in the jacuzzi. It was wonderful (and not too hot so baby and I were safe...and very relaxed).
This week we're finishing up the nursery because I'm hosting my brunch and nursery tour for my girlfriends next weekend. I also started putting together some things for a hospital bag. I'm going to keep it simple: just some toiletries, something comfortable to wear after the birth, snacks, and an outfit for the baby to come home in (it's so weird to think about!).
At work I'm making provisions to have my projects wrapped up in the next few weeks. It's a little hard to let some of them go but I hope that the enjoyment that I have now from work will make the transition back to work a little easier.
We also registered at a daycare, one that my sweet neighbor co-owns with her mom and sister, and I feel very, very good about the care our baby will get there. I know it will be hard to leave him but I know he will be in loving hands.
Two things I'm feeling good about - getting past the early 30s weeks and that our baby is turned head down. Now that I'm almost 35 weeks it would still be early for the baby to come but it wouldn't be scary early. It wasn't really worrying me but I'm glad to be where we are. This week the midwife confirmed that the baby is head down and is unlikely to turn (although it is possible). The baby gets hiccups at least once a day and I always feel them down low so he seems to be happy where he is. We'll see the midwife again in about a week and then we'll start going every week!
At my next update we'll just have about a month to go. I've been imagining what it would be like to be so close to the end and to having our baby with us since the beginning of the pregnancy; it's an awesome place to be.