April 2013
Ready as Ever

Goals - November 2012


Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my big news! I'm really looking forward to being able to get back into sharing more of what's going on in my life as we go through this big transition and I appreciate all your support!!

In October I finally started feeling more like myself after weeks of being exhausted and generally feeling blah. A very welcome change to be sure and just in time to enjoy the lovely fall weather! For Halloween we sat outside with our neighbors to hand out candy like last year, I am loving this tradition that's forming. Although in a few years I bet we'll start going trick-or-treating together with little ones! My heart is already melting thinking of their adorable costumes. 

And now the holidays are offically on the horizon; I love this time of year. Everyone here does. This is when we collectively breath a deep sigh of relief and bask in the love that we feel for Arizona. We apologize for all those negative things we said about the oven-like conditions. No need to think about that again until June...and that's forever away!

My goals for November are:

+ Keep running. I'm still spinning consistently and so far feeling really good on my runs (more like jogs). I plan to keep it up as long as my body tells me it's OK. But with the early mornings now very dark it's hard to get motivated for a morning run. I’m hoping to switch to afternoon and later-morning weekend runs. Chris and I are also planning to sign up for a Thanksgiving day 5K and a December 6K! I’m definitely paying close attention to my body and won’t participate if I’m not up for it but I think these distances will be fine for me. 

+ Put away summer and outgrown clothes. It’s seasonal clothes rotation time! …Along with pre-pregnancy clothes rotation time (although my Bella Band is definitely extending the life of several pairs of pants!).
+ Celebrate Falliday! It’s this weekend! We’re planning a fall-inspired meal for Saturday and a day trip to see some fall color in the mountains on Sunday.
+ Finish Christmas shopping and wrap presents. Making good progress so far on my Christmas list and I picked up flat rate shipping boxes from the post office this weekend so I’ll be ready to wrap and pack. Planning for a wrapping extravaganza the weekend of Nov. 17-18. If any of my local friends want to join in, come on over!

+ Take it easy. I'm trying to be conscious of not taking on too much, to let myself nap when I want to (except when I'm at work of course) and to be mindful and present. I recognize that this is a very special and short time of my life and I want to appreciate it. 

Happy November!
