Bump pics!
Even before I was pregnant I thought about how I would want to document my pregnancy. You know I love to plan! I thought that if I already knew what I wanted to do then I could be consistent from the beginning.
I've added a page of bump photos that I've taken since the beginning of my pregnancy and I'll upload new photos to the page as I take them. You can always check them out from this button that I've added to the right sidebar:
My goal is to take a photo every other week but to get at least one picture a month. I knew that a weekly photo series would be too lofty a goal for me.
The best set up in our house for doing self portraits is our front room. I can set up the camera on the bookshelves across the room, get the camera to focus on the NYC print and set it on self-timer mode. I admit the background is a bit busy so I feel like I haven't found the *perfect* set-up. But I'm documenting the pregnancy and that's the main goal. I'm so glad I started early because even though I'm not showing very much I can see a definite difference between the first couple of photos and now. It's hard to imagine how big I'll get but I know it's coming!