It's the holiday season! Do I need to tell you how excited I am? Probably not. My push to get Christmas presents done early is going well. I'm not completely done yet as I was hoping to be but I did start wrapping last weekend. Just a couple of gifts remain to be purchased and I already know exactly what I need to get. I'll definitely be finished within the next two weekends, plenty of time to beat the post office rush. It's a huge weight off my shoulders! Now there's time for filling the next month with all the... Read more →
November 2012
Before finding out I was pregnant, Chris and I were primarily eating a vegan(ish) diet. I wasn't sure how I'd eat when I was pregnant and was open to either sticking to a mostly vegan diet or going vegetarian depending on how I felt. When I started feeling symptoms of morning sickness in the first trimester I also developed aversions to most foods. At that point it was so hard to find anything I wanted to eat I decided to eat a vegetarian diet to give myself more options. More than a few times I went to Trader Joe's just... Read more →
We had another cozy Falliday this year during the first weekend of November. We were excited to take a day trip to the mountains in the Payson, AZ area to see some fall color that weekend but I ended up not feeling great - allergies/cold and mild nausea - so we decided to stay put. Even though we didn't make it this year I love the idea of trekking to see fall color as one of our Falliday traditions. Next year we can celebrate as a family! This year our fall-inspired meal was wild rice-stuffed acorn squash, roasted Brussels sprouts... Read more →
I'll be 20 weeks through my pregnancy this week which is considered half way! I'm feeling really, really good. A complete 180 from how I was feeling in the first trimester. The second trimester really is glorious, as all the books proclaim. My only complaint right now is how often I have to pee when working out! This morning I could only make it a couple blocks on a run and had to run home before going back out again...and even then could only make it a mile out before I couldn't take it and had to turn home. In... Read more →
A few weekends ago I whipped up a simple baby rattle for a friend who's due with a baby boy this month (everyone is having boys!). The pattern is from Simple Sewing for Baby. It was the first time I'd ever used a pattern! I used tracing paper and a tracing wheel as the instructions told me to but I didn't find that they worked very well; I feel that I must have been doing something wrong. Clearly I need supervision. Still, the little guy turned out cute. Look at that sweet face! The book said that a tiny bell... Read more →
{the card from our ultrasound tech} Ahhhh! We're so excited! Just the reality of knowing that we're having a son is still sinking in; it's so fun to know and now to wonder, "What will he look like?" "What will he be like?" Seeing our baby boy on the ultrasound was just amazing. We haven't had an ultrasound since 8 weeks when he was just a wee smudge on the screen. We have a great ultrasound photo of his profile; perfect little ear, nose, and lips. I've also started feeling the baby move! It happened about a week and a... Read more →
{my mother-in-law made this using WordFoto on her iPhone, so sweet!} Today we’re having an ultrasound and will learn if our little one is a boy or a girl – a son or a daughter!! I will be over-the-moon either way, I’m just excited to know. Our plan is to ask the ultrasound technician to write down the sex on a card and not show us. After our appointment we’ll go out to our favorite coffee shop and open the card together! I really liked this idea of having the moment be just between Chris and me. Hopefully the baby... Read more →
I know there are lots of women who say they just *knew* that they were pregnant. I was much too skeptical for that. In early August I thought, “Well, I could be pregnant but I’m sure I’m not.” I was convinced it would take at least a year. On Wednesday or Thursday I experienced fairly intense cramps only on the left side of my abdomen. I thought it was likely early cramping and the onset of my period. I also remember that on Friday I felt really dizzy when I stood up from sitting or laying down and I thought... Read more →
Yesterday I was too nervous and distracted by the election to post anything. But now we're breathing a big sigh of relief; I feel excited and hopeful for the next four years. There's lots of work to be done but I think we're heading in the right direction. I'm especially encouraged by the turning tide of gay marriage. My hope is that by the time our baby is old enough to vote marriage equality won't need to be on the ballots any more because it's accepted and recognized across our country. Four years ago Chris and I woke up early... Read more →
In week 6 of my pregnancy I started feeling symptoms of morning sickness. I never threw up but I would feel nauseous all day. I lost my appetite (so sad for someone who usually loves to cook and read recipes!) and didn’t want to eat anything. Things that became particularly disgusting to me included burritos (by the time I posted this recipe just looking at the photo made me gag) and vegetarian/vegan meat substitutes like veggie burgers. Even though I didn't feel like eating the longer I went without eating the worse I would feel. The irony! It was definitely... Read more →