Single Serving Smoothies
April 2013

RISING*SHINING has Redecorated!


I am so so SO excited to welcome you to the new RISING*SHINING!! I hope you like it!

Designing a new blog was lots of work but I learned so much and this new site feels more me. Moving over my archives (and every single comment!) was a labor of love to be sure; and it was so interesting to read through my old posts. I was surprised to see posts from a year ago and thought, "Wow! That was only a year ago?" For some reason it seemed like much longer ago. I think it might be that having a different job has had such an impact on my life.

I'm also excited that Typepad makes it much easier to interact with readers. I hope you'll find the comment feature a breeze to use and you can now use your Typepad account or even Facebook or Twitter. I love your comments and my hope is that it'll be easier to make this blog feel like a community - that's why I started blogging in the first place!

A brief technicality, you'll see that the web address right now is This evening I'm going to have redirect to this new blog and so I *think* that if you are subscribed to you'll continue to receive blog feeds uninterrupted. However, if you are subscribed to you'll need to resubscribe to this new feed. You can do this using the Subscribe link in the top menu. I'm sorry for this inconvenience! 

There will be some tweaks over the next couple of weeks so you might notice a few changes but for the most part it's done. YAY.
