Goals - September 2012
Vegan Freezer Burritos

Book Review: Kids in the Kitchen


Before I started reading Sara's blog I knew very little about the philosophies and practices of a Montessori education. My only impression of Montessori was actually through my mom. As part of her job, my mom visits different schools and she would tell me how much she loved visiting Montessori classrooms because they were beautiful and orderly and clearly designed with the child as the focus. They don't contain plastic toys and instead include toys made of natural materials, like wood and wool, as well as practical life activities like sweeping and washing. This approach to spaces for children really resonates with me and so I thought I'd probably want to consider a Montessori education for our kids one day.

Through Sara's blog I've learned so much more about the Montessori approach to caring for young children and I'm excited to implement these practices in our house one day. And Sara's blog led me to Kylie's blog How We Montessori which is also a wealth of practical advice for implementing Montessori with kids. If you read either blog then you've seen that Sara and Kylie recently published a book, Kids in the Kitchen. I'm super proud of them. I was so excited for a practical Montessori guide to one of my favorite activities - cooking! So I ordered a copy when it came out and had to feature it here, it's such a wonderful book. As an added bonus, all proceeds of the book go to Montessori For All, an organization that Sara founded.

I love that the intro provides some background on the Montessori philosophy, how this translates to including kids in the kitchen, and what tools are useful for cooking alongside a youngster. The recipes are simple and include step by step instructions and each step includes a pictures. This way a child can follow along with you even if they can't read.



We love to have our neice and nephew over to cook and I'm definitely going to cook with them using a recipe from this book next time. I'm also keeping this book in mind as a present for all my friends who are parents of little ones, I hope you will too.

And even though I don't have a kid of my own to cook with yet I do have this big kid, who was whipping up some delicious vegan cookie bars on Labor Day. ;)

