Goals - August 2012
Wrist Vizsla

A Relaxing and Creative Weekend


Our weekend was a perfect mix of productivity and relaxing. I made lots of progress on my blog resdesign. Still a ways to go (planning the launch for fall) but things are coming together, I'm using HTML (!), loving the Typepad interface and the new blog just feels more me. I'm so excited to share it with you soon.

Chris now only has to work on Chow Locally every third weekend, as opposed to every weekend, and I help him make deliveries on the Saturdays that he works. On free Saturdays we've developed a new favorite morning routine and I was looking forward to it all week: We get up early and take Drew to a nearby greenspace to run around and meet up with other dogs. After taking Drew home, where he'll sleep for the rest of the day after sprinting around, we get to Liberty Market around 7:30 AM for coffee an chatting with other patrons at the bar.


Coffee in hand we walk down the street to the Gilbert Farmer's Market for breakfast. There's been a new food truck at the market that we've obsessed with: Uprooted Kitchen. They make amazing and vegan! breakfasts and baked goods. It's run by the nicest couple, who always remember our names, and their two young boys help out too. I've never had anything like their baked oatmeal before, which changes slightly each week. This week it was butternut squash baked oats with a cinnamon apple scone. I'm already looking forward to getting it next time! Plus we ran into a friend while we were eating and were able to catch up, love that. 


After breakfast we go to a yoga studio just down the road for a yoga blend class. I'm so glad that Chris has been enjoying going to yoga with me and we can both tell that it keeps running pains at bay. Two weeks ago something amazing happened at yoga class: I was able to keep my legs straight and bend down and touch my toes! My hamstrings are always so tight which has made my toes elusive territory for a long time, it's been a very happy reunion.

Then we had the rest of the weekend for creative endeavors. I designed a new blog banner, worked out the layout and coded a navigation bar. Chris was happily tucked away in his music room working with some new software programs and equipment that he bought for making electronic music. A few weeks ago we spontaneously cleaned the music room up and Chris was able to get rid of some things to clear up space. Almost immediately he was playing his guitar more and working on creating new music. Isn't it amazing how important and simple it is just to have a space to be creative? It doesn't have to be very big or nice, just a bit of space to think and create.

I hope you had a lovely weekend too!
