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Summer Travel


On Monday we started the week off with a bang and booked flights for two awesome summer trips: Honolulu, Hawaii and Missoula, Montana!

My good friend, Angela, will be marrying her Spanish sweetheart in Honolulu in September. It’s going to be a very small and beautiful wedding and they are such a great match. Angela’s fiancé is a chef and his mother is a pastry chef and they’ll be doing all the cooking for a tapas and sangria rehearsal dinner – doesn’t that sound fabulous? Angela even said I could probably help out in the kitchen if I so desired. Cooking along-side two chefs and learning to make authentic tapas? Consider my apron packed. 

We'll have about two days in Hawaii before the wedding festivities start and I'm hoping to fit in some hiking, site-seeing, snorkeling, and reading on the beach. If you've been to the Honolulu area I'd love to hear any suggestions.

The trip to Missoula is kind of spontaneous! There’s a little airport just about 15 minutes from our house that only flies two airlines (Spirit and Allegiant). The destinations and flight times are limited but the tickets are wicked cheap. Chris went to Missoula last year for a conference and absolutely loved it; he’s been talking about it ever since. So we looked at flights, and I checked my vacation days, and we realized we could do a 4 day trip with airfare less than $350 total – sold!

We’ll be going for a Friday through Monday in August, when it’s CRAZY hot here. I’m looking forward to cooler temps, hanging out next to the river, going on hikes, spending a day in Glacier National Park (!), and tasting beers at the local breweries.

Knowing that these trips are coming up will help me get through the 115 degree days (I hope)!
