Last week I was so flattered to be given a Liebster Award by Katie at Priceless Adventure! Katie writes, "Liebster is a German word which means “dearest” or “beloved.” It can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to upcoming bloggers (with fewer than 200 followers) in order to create new connections and bring attention to wonderful growing blogs." I read Katie's post on Wednesday morning and it was exactly the dose of encouragement that I needed. I had been expecting to hear back from ASU by Tuesday and when I didn't... Read more →
February 2012
So, I got a new job! I'm so excited. I posted about not being completely happy in my job awhile back and also shared that my department went through some lay offs. But for the most part, I haven't talked a lot about my job here. That's because it hasn't been a bright spot in my life. This blog, and connecting with lovely readers like you! is a bright spot in my life, so I've kept them mostly separate. Even though I have so many happy things in my life it's been tough to spend 40+ hours a week doing... Read more →
I'm bursting with happiness to tell you: I got an amazing job offer today and accepted!! I've been going through the interview process for the past few weeks and have been on pins and needles waiting to hear if I got the job. It's been an emotional roller coaster that has ended in the best way. I'm so excited to share all the details with you next week. But for now I'm basking in the happiness that is this new opportunity and a new chapter. *image from just little things tumblr Read more →
I saw this on Pinterest earlier this week and thought, "Dang it! It's true." I keep wanting to run more and all I have to do is lace up my shoes and get my butt out the door! A run could take as little as 20 minutes so busyness is no excuse. Going for a good run is so therapeutic. I feel fit and strong and healthy. I have time to just think or to zone out and not think. For the past couple of years I've been loving spin class and my running has become more infrequent. It almost... Read more →
Guys! The craziest thing happened to me this weekend, I'm dying to tell you about it! OK, back story: Our backyard wall is mostly shared with the neighbor directly behind us but a tiny bit of the very corner of our backyard, behind our compost, is shared with a different neighbor. Also, that neighbor has a large mesquite tree near the corner that we share. This past fall that tree got very overgrown and was starting to block our compost. So I hired someone to trim the tree back so that it wouldn't hang into our yard any more. It... Read more →
As part of my 2012 goal of adding quality pieces to my wardrobe I'd like to buy a few pieces of jewelry. I tend to be drawn to simple, nature-inspired jewelry, which is why I'm so in love withRoundabout Design. Aren't her pieces lovely? And quite affordable! I might have sent Chris a couple of links with a little hint about our upcoming anniversary... Read more →
So, I'm on the Instagram bandwagon. But it's so fun to go back and remember what happened... A few weeks ago, Chris sent flowers to me at work! It made my week. I sent the Obamas one of our Christmas cards and I got a holiday card back! It was a bit after the holiday season but I'll let it slide; they seem like a pretty busy family. Happy hour with Chris before we attended a screening of Vegucated, which was great. Took myself and a book on a lunch date to check out The Spot, a cute new restaurant... Read more →
Happy Valentine's Day! xox Read more →
Last Friday Chris and I did something we never had before - we hired a maid service to clean our house! With Chris working 6 - 7 days per week I feel that more of the housework has fallen on me. Most weeks I really don't mind this - I want to be supportive of Chris as he works two jobs and builds a successful small business. Plus he still does a lot around the house when he's not working - but he works a lot! When Chris gets home from being at the farmers' markets with Chow Locally he's... Read more →
If I told you that vegan macaroni and cheese is not only possible but delicious, would you believe me? It's OK, I wouldn't have believed me a week ago either. But it's true! In the midst of all the busyness lately I was able to fit in two new recipes last weekend: creamy mac and cheese from 30-Day Vegan Challenge and this toasted kale and coconut salad over quinoa. I'm so glad I did! This might have been the best meal I've ever cooked. (Whoa!) Sorry I didn't invite you over for dinner; Chris will just have to back me... Read more →