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June 2011

Yesterday Chris and I got rid of books, paint, furniture, and clothes that we didn't need any more and it felt so good. Ah, I love a good spring cleaning! First we dropped off a couple of pieces of furntiure we no longer needed and that weren't nice enough to bother with craigslist. Then we took several old cans of paint to our town's hazardous waste center. I had been meaning to do this for MONTHS. At the center they mix all the old paint and make two different colors: grey and tan. Then they use it to paint municipal... Read more →

I rarely make big impulse purchases…or impulse purchases at all. Usually I pour over product reviews and even once I’ve made a decision to buy I will still put off the actual purchase for awhile longer. But this past Friday I decided to start looking at DSLR cameras and the very next day I bought a used Nikon D80 from someone off of Craigslist for $550. That has to be a new record for me. Here’s how I connected with my inner impulse buyer: I’ve been thinking about purchasing a DSRLsometime in the future. (Note the unspecified timeframe indicative of... Read more →

Lists and goals make my world go ‘round. So of course I love the way that Sara at Feeding the Soil takes time each month to reflect on her previous month’s goals and to set new ones for the upcoming month. I was inspired to start doing the same thing by writing down my yearly and monthly goals in a notebook and referring to it throughout the month. This system has helped me to prioritize things that I want to get done. I can easily overwhelm myself with all the things I want to do and this system helps me... Read more →

Cubicle Makeover

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit “blah” about work – do you ever feel that way too? I’m trying to be proactive to change my attitude and one of the ideas that I had was a desk makeover! At my desk currently there's not much no personality and it’s not very organized. I’ve got binders of papers I don’t need any more, I don’t have a reliable filing system, and I definitely don’t have any personal touches or bit of inspiration to brighten my day. Overall the desk makes me feel unorganized and unmotivated, what a wonder I feel "blah"... Read more →