I have a tendency to "power through" a task or attending to my kids' needs while putting my own basic needs, comfort, and enjoyment on the back burner. Not in any kind of worrisome unhealthy way, but just putting off something that I need or that would be nice just for me. I'm trying to do less of this! Enter BCE: basic needs, comfort, and enjoyment. I came up with this little collection and have started checking in with myself during busy times of my day. I'll ask myself, "Do I have any basic needs? What would make me more... Read more →

Hi, friends! I drafted this on this very cold (for Arizona) morning while sipping a Starbucks pistachio latte which was a delightful post-school drop off treat with Chris. I hope you're enjoying a moment to yourself; let's get caught up! Settling back into routine and feeling good. We're even managing each of the boys playing a sport and Maeve going to swim lessons twice per week and nothing conflicts. Cheering for the boys' basketball, soccer, and school flag football teams. Wow watching sports is different now that the boys are almost 12 and 10 versus when they first started. I... Read more →

In my last post, I shared some of the known notable things coming up in 2025 for my family and me. I also shared that my word of the year is power. Today I'm sharing my goals for the year, which I break up across a few areas of my life. I call these constellation areas in my workshops and they are: personal care and growth, health, relationships (including marriage, parenting, family, and friendship), fun and creativity, work, and home and finances. Although each of these areas overlap and interact, I feel grounded across my life when I consider how... Read more →

You can also now follow my RISING*SHINING posts and podcast episodes on Substack! This year I used my own Your Year to Shine workbook to reflect on where I am in life, what I need more and less of, and what my goals will be for the year. How cool is that?! I also used the intention page of the workbook to brainstorm and come up with my word for the year. It was gratifying and exciting to use a tool I created. I have so much to think and write about for a new year. This year I'm going... Read more →

I turned 41 on December 22 (after being up all night with a sick kiddo. Hellllooo 40s!). Continuing a nine year tradition, here are my favorite things from my year of being 40. 1. Thanksgiving family photo. (Which also made my 38 favorites list!) 2. Apica CD11 notebooks. A long-time favorite notebook of mine to use as my journals. I tried something different when I needed a new journal this year, and almost immediately could not wait to return to my favorite. I stock up on these when I’m at BookPeople in Austin, or order them online. 3. Sleeping with... Read more →

On December 31 I completed the fourth year in my line-a-day journal. The next day I flipped to the front of the book to start the year again, and this year will complete my second five-year line-a-day journal. In keeping these little journals, a couple short sentences can take me back in time, and I can see past seasons with perspective. I remember starting last January feeling a bit worn out. Looking back over my line-a-day journal from last year it's no wonder. We were incredibly social over the holiday break, plus one kid had a sports practice (just no... Read more →

Every year I marvel at how fast a year goes but how much it holds. Before I look ahead to 2025 I'm reflecting on 2024, all that it held, and what I learned. I hope you're finding some time to reflect on that past year, and to set some intentions for the new year. If you'd like to reflect and set intentions with guidance in an encouraging workshop setting, Your Year to Shine is still open for registration. All the workshop content is available now and we'll have our first workshop meeting on Sunday, January 5. And now to reflect... Read more →

It's one of my favorite mornings of the year: coffee + pie for breakfast day! Chris even gifted me a quiet house by taking the kids out to a mall to shop for each other. (! have they ever even been to a mall??) On Black Friday! What a hero. November was a month with highs and lows. Since we last met for coffee, the big things in my life have been: + Getting a follow-up all clear ultrasound and mammogram (my first one) for which I'm very thankful. + Living through and processing a lot of feelings around the... Read more →

Friends, I'm thrilled to share with you that I'll be hosting Your Year to Shine: A Goals Workshop again for 2025! This workshop is a culmination of my many years of practicing and studying goal-setting, and having informal goal setting summits with friends. Your Year to Shine brings you everything I’ve learned about intentional goal setting in an encouraging, flexible, and cheerful way! Your Year to Shine registration is open and costs $159. After registration, you will be added to the private Substack group for the workshop and have access to all content when it becomes available. This year Your... Read more →

I'm so so happy to say hello to November. The weight of the long, hot summer (and fall) has lifted, and I'm glad the election is almost over. We are opening doors and windows, spending time outside, and I don't mind the early Christmas decor that has already popped up at the stores. A few life updates to share...one is hard, one is good, and one is exciting. In hard things lately, my dear friend was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she did a beautiful job sharing honestly on our podcast about what she is going through. If you are... Read more →